Information about interactive fiction and text adventures in general.
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Interactive Fiction refers to parser-based interactive games. Originally started back in the days of Zork and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, it sprouted a wealth of different genres of games. The games start you in a certain location and you type compass directions to move about. You interact with objects with get, throw, eat, hit and can often join two objects to create a third. For example: A stick, some string and a hook to make a Fishing Line.
Players take on the role of a person or creature in the game and solve puzzles, gather objects into their inventory and move about the play area of the game.
There are often people or other creatures to talk to and interact with. Some may require you to perform tasks while others may want something to trade with you.
An example of an interaction may be a troll who is hungry so you have to find an apple to feed him, then he will let you pass over his bridge.
There are many genres of Interactive Fiction including: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Western and Science Fiction.
You may need to cast spells or mix potions. You may even fly a spaceship to a mysterious planet.
As with the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, some games are based on existing books or other stories. These may have interesting plots to discover.
If you wish to download your own Interactive Fiction Play Card to print out, you can get one from PRIF.